iTrack Motorsports - Friday Night Events @ Lanier Raceplex 5/21
The Southeast has lacked a supportive outlet for drifting for quite a while. They come and go, and we feel like Matt and his team at iTrack are taking the right steps to reserve its stay for good. Us at Okeydoke appreciate things like this taking place, for it gives us the extra opportunity to grow as well.
Here's a few questions we popped on Matt Brueck that we'd like to share with you.
What was your vision for Itrack and has it exceeded your expectations? Why do you do this?
When I first started iTrack in 2007, I did it for two reasons. One, to give myself a free place for seat time and two was to create affordable fun events for my friends that were scared to join SCCA. As it has grown, my vision has grown as well. I think right now it is the support from the community. Everyone is slowly stepping up and seeing that the efforts they put in has an impact on our events.
What made you want to start a track day combined with drifting? What was the inspiration for this?
I have been deeply involved with both sides of the sport for many years. I was tired of seeing the community so segregated and decided we had to step up. The southeast has suffered for so long. I just want to see everyone come together for events. We all enjoy pushing ourselves. We learn to love all aspects of racing together.
How long have you been a part of the automotive industry?
I got into karting at a very young age. 8 years old or so. My dad was a racer and got me into it as soon as he could. The automotive industry, and racing specifically is all I really know.
What are your future plans or goals for Itrack?
Probably the hardest question to answer. From an actual event standpoint, continue to grow the Lanier events and make them affordable for everyone. We also want to continue to grow our road course programs for both drift and track. The southeast needs road courses to grow the sport. In short, continue to push our events and keep the sport progressing. As for my personal goals with iTrack, I want to just host rad events. I would like to see it grow into massive 2 or 3 day events with a lot going on. I would love to hire those who have helped me from the start so we can all live this dream together. I want everyone to feel the joy this business has given me.
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